The Transportation Research Bureau ("TRB"), a division of the National Research Council within the National Academies, has released a report entitled Innovative Airport Responses to Threatened and Endangered Species (pdf). The report is intended to assist airport sponsors and operators in addressing federally listed species issues on or near their facilities. The introduction to the report includes the following summary of its contents:
"ACRP Report 122 first introduces relevant regulations and then provides a discussion of potential areas of conflict between airports and those regulations as well as information on how to address those challenges. Additionally, the primer includes a series of case studies to provide users with a variety of approaches, actions, and measures that have been successfully implemented in diverse geographic, facility, and regulatory settings."
The TRB has also produced, along with the report, a compilation (pdf) of helpful resources.
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Paul Weiland is Assistant Managing Partner and a member of the Environment & Land Use Group. He has represented clients – including public agencies, publicly regulated utilities, corporations, trade associations and ...
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